For Immediate Release
February 12, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. – A group of Central Florida young professionals has formed a new committee called Next Generation Florida to provide financial and networking support to up-and-coming local Republican candidates for State Senate and House races. After a successful multi-candidate fundraiser last November, Next Generation Florida officially organized as a committee of continuous existence, a type of political committee authorized under the Florida Statutes to issue endorsements and provide financial support to specific candidates.
The Florida Division of Elections approved Next Generation Florida’s application as a committee of continuous existence in January, and the following Board members were elected:
President, Sarah E. Rumpf, attorney, Stovash, Case & Tingley, P.A.
Executive Vice President, Christopher Carmody, attorney, GrayRobinson, P.A.
Financial Vice President, Wade C. Vose, attorney, Vose Law Firm, LLC
Political Relations Vice President, Christina Dixon, civil engineer, Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt, Inc.
Membership Vice President, Michael Patterson, software engineer, Riptide Software
Next Generation Florida has been accepting applications from Central Florida registered Republican voters to be Charter Members, and from local companies to be Charter Corporate Members. The Board has chosen the initial list of endorsements (additional candidates may be endorsed by the membership at a later date), and is proud to announce its support for the following Republican candidates:
Andy Gardiner, running for State Senate, District 9
Chris Dorworth, current State Representative, District 34
Scott Plakon, running for State Representative, District 37
Bryan Nelson, current State Representative, District 38
Eric Eisnaugle, running for State Representative, District 40
Steve Precourt, current State Representative, District 41
Mike Horner, running for State Representative, District 79
Next Generation Florida’s first official event will be a fundraiser for Eric Eisnaugle on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, at the UrbanThink! Bookstore in Thornton Park, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in information about becoming a Charter Member, or candidates seeking information about the Next Generation Florida endorsement process, should send their contact information to
Sarah E. Rumpf, President and Founder
Next Generation Florida