Thursday, February 28, 2008

Webster endorsement for Gardiner

Next Generation Florida’s endorsed candidate for Florida Senate District 9, Andy Gardiner, who currently represents District 40 in the Florida House, received an important endorsement yesterday. 


Daniel Webster, the current Senate Majority Leader and State Senator for District 9, is leaving the seat because of term limits and has enthusiastically endorsed Mr. Gardiner to be his replacement.  “Andy is a principled conservative with the experience and commitment to serve Central Florida well,” said Webster.


Next Generation Florida is proud to endorse Andy Gardiner and congratulates him on this latest endorsement. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RIP William F. Buckley, Jr.

William F. Buckley, Jr. passed away this morning at the age of 82. He will be forever remembered as a founding father of the modern conservative movement with a brilliant (and often wonderfully sarcastic) wit.

National Review has lots of kind words and great stories about their founder here.

Something every Republican should read

This is a few years old, but still very inspirational.  Apparently this gentleman was so fed up with modern politics and the media, he wrote this “open letter” about why he was a Republican and then bought entire page newspaper ads to spread his thoughts.  The full text is available at and I would encourage all of you to read it. 


- Sarah 

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Precourt fundraiser today!

Steve Precourt, who is proudly endorsed by Next Generation Florida, is having a fundraiser today downtown at the Foley & Lardner offices (Regions Bank bldg., corner of Orange and Washington). Details here:

Please come by if you can and support Steve in his re-election campaign!

Vote Today!

We have two special elections today, and while none of our Next Generation Florida candidates are on the ballot today, I'd like to wish good luck to fellow Republicans Belinda Ortiz, who is running for Orlando City Council District 2, and Sean Campbell, who is running for State House District 32. Winter Garden and Oakland are also having runoffs for their city elections today as well.

If you live and are registered to vote in these districts, please remember to vote today!

The next area elections are the Eatonville General Election on March 1, Apopka General Election on March 11, and then the Primary Election (for state offices) on August 26. Mark your calendars and make sure your voice is heard!

- Sarah

Monday, February 25, 2008

You can help Andy Gardiner's campaign

Hi everyone, Andy Gardiner still needs about 2,700 petitions to get on the ballot.  You have to be in the district to sign the petition.  Please go to and follow the instructions (contact info for the Supervisor of Elections to see if you are in the district is listed).


Also, tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 26th, Andy needs volunteers at the polls to collect signatures during the City Commission run-off and Winter Garden Mayor's race.  If you are available, please contact the campaign at


Thank you for your continued support of our Next Generation Florida candidates!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Steve Precourt Fundraiser

Don't forget - Steve Precourt fundraiser this week, Tuesday, Feb. 26th at Foley & Lardner's offices in Downtown Orlando. All the details are here. Please come if you can!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fundraiser for Gardiner and Nelson


Please join

Rep. Andy Gardiner
Rep. Bryan Nelson

For a Fundraising Barbeque/Bonfire

5:30 - 8:00 pm





Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Andy Gardiner, Republican, for State Senate District 9, and Bryan Nelson, Republican, for State House District 38. The purchase of a ticket for, or contribution to, the campaign fundraiser is a contribution to the campaign account of Andy Gardiner for State Senate or Bryan Nelson for State House.


In honor of the Shuttle Atlantis, which safely returned home at 9:07 a.m. today, I'd thought I'd share some pre-launch photos taken by my cousin Kurt, who is an aerospace engineer at United Space Alliance (yep, he's a rocket scientist). Yet another reason we should all be proud to be American...

Thank you!

Just wanted to give out a few thank yous...
First of all, thanks to everyone who came out last night for Eric Eisnaugle's fundraiser at the UrbanThink! Bookstore last night. We had a lot of fun...some pictures will be posted later.
We were so pleased to see that so many of you are willing to not only support Eric's campaign financially, but also are willing to volunteer your time. Especially in local elections, grassroots support is crucial, and having people who will spend a few hours making phone calls, or a Saturday morning walking the precinct, can make all the difference.
We'd also like to thank our friends at the UrbanThink! Bookstore and Infusion Tea - we really enjoy working with them and every event we've done together has been a success.
Finally, we had a great host committee:
Marty Berman, Berman Property Maintenance & Construction
Wade Coye, Coye Law Firm
Jessica Parker
Melanie Shoemaker
Rob Sirianni, Brownstone Law Firm
Thanks everyone for all your support!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Don't forget! Fundraiser for Eric Eisnaugle TODAY at UrbanThink! Bookstore. Next Generation Florida is sponsoring the event and we'll have drinks and appetizers provided by Infusion Tea.
It's going to be a lot of fun and we hope to see you there! Details posted below here.
Eric Eisnaugle is proudly endorsed by Next Generation Florida, a committee of continuous existence, which is sponsoring this event. The maximum contribution permitted is $500.00 per individual or business entity to each candidate. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Political advertisement paid for and approved by Eric Eisnaugle, Republican, for State Representative, District 40. The purchase of a ticket for, or a contribution to, the campaign fund raiser is a contribution to the campaign of Eric Eisnaugle.

Friday, February 15, 2008

It's not easy to be Hillary Clinton

We made fun of Obama yesterday so it's only fair to give Hillary Clinton her fair turn...
parody of "Superman (It's Not Easy)" by Five For Fighting

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day :)

A little bit of Valentine humor from the RNC...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Press Release about Official Formation

For Immediate Release
February 12, 2008


ORLANDO, Fla. – A group of Central Florida young professionals has formed a new committee called Next Generation Florida to provide financial and networking support to up-and-coming local Republican candidates for State Senate and House races. After a successful multi-candidate fundraiser last November, Next Generation Florida officially organized as a committee of continuous existence, a type of political committee authorized under the Florida Statutes to issue endorsements and provide financial support to specific candidates.

The Florida Division of Elections approved Next Generation Florida’s application as a committee of continuous existence in January, and the following Board members were elected:

President, Sarah E. Rumpf, attorney, Stovash, Case & Tingley, P.A.
Executive Vice President, Christopher Carmody, attorney, GrayRobinson, P.A.
Financial Vice President, Wade C. Vose, attorney, Vose Law Firm, LLC
Political Relations Vice President, Christina Dixon, civil engineer, Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt, Inc.
Membership Vice President, Michael Patterson, software engineer, Riptide Software

Next Generation Florida has been accepting applications from Central Florida registered Republican voters to be Charter Members, and from local companies to be Charter Corporate Members. The Board has chosen the initial list of endorsements (additional candidates may be endorsed by the membership at a later date), and is proud to announce its support for the following Republican candidates:

Andy Gardiner, running for State Senate, District 9
Chris Dorworth, current State Representative, District 34
Scott Plakon, running for State Representative, District 37
Bryan Nelson, current State Representative, District 38
Eric Eisnaugle, running for State Representative, District 40
Steve Precourt, current State Representative, District 41
Mike Horner, running for State Representative, District 79

Next Generation Florida’s first official event will be a fundraiser for Eric Eisnaugle on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, at the UrbanThink! Bookstore in Thornton Park, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in information about becoming a Charter Member, or candidates seeking information about the Next Generation Florida endorsement process, should send their contact information to

Sarah E. Rumpf, President and Founder
Next Generation Florida

Monday, February 11, 2008

Fundraiser for Eric Eisnaugle

Please join us for a Happy Hour Fundraiser for

Eric Eisnaugle
Republican, for State Representative, District 40

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
UrbanThink! Bookstore
625 E. Central Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32801

Contributions in any amount are welcome. The maximum contribution permitted is $500.00 per individual or business entity.

Eric Eisnaugle is proudly endorsed by Next Generation Florida, a committee of continuous existence, which has sponsored this event.

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Political advertisement paid for and approved by Eric Eisnaugle, Republican, for State Representative, District 40. The purchase of a ticket for, or a contribution to, the campaign fund raiser is a contribution to the campaign of Eric Eisnaugle.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Steve Precourt Fundraiser

Next Generation Florida-endorsed candidate, Steve Precourt, who is running for State Representative, District 41, is having a fundraiser at Foley & Lardner on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The invitation can be viewed here.

(Please RSVP by Feb. 22nd to Christina Dixon at 407-362-1434 or or online at

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Steve Precourt, Republican for State Representative, District 41. The purchase of a ticket, or a contribution to the campaign fund raiser is a contribution to the campaign of Steve Precourt.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Michelle Malkin and the "Next Generation" of Republicans

Looks like Michelle Malkin supports the ideals of Next Generation Florida. In her blog today, in an article titled, "Quo vadis, conservatives?" (don't worry, it's just a little's good for you), she writes:

On Wednesday, wielding his olive branch like a schoolmarm’s ruler, Sen. McCain told conservatives to “calm down.” My advice is exactly the opposite: Get fired up.

Some on the Right advise their readers and listeners to vote Democrat or sit home. My advice is exactly the opposite: Get off the couch and walk the walk for conservative candidates and officeholders who need all the help they can get defending free markets, free minds, and secure borders—no matter who takes the White House in November.

Dissatisfied with the flawed crop of GOP candidates who lacked the energy, organizational skills, and ideological strength to carry the conservative banner and ignite your passions? Then pay attention to the next generation of Republican state legislators who do vote consistently to lower your taxes, uphold the sanctity of life, defend marriage, and cut government spending. Support their re-election bids. Reward them for standing with you instead of their Democrat opponents and the liberal media.