Monday, March 10, 2008

The Hillary Clinton horror movie: Zombie Bats From Ohio!

Check out this hysterical article by Andrew Sullivan, published in a British paper, The Sunday Times, about the Clintons never-say-die campaign…


In one short article, he manages to describe the junior Senator from New York as like Glenn Close’s psycho character in Fatal Attraction, the “melting metal” Terminator from the 2nd movie, and in one particularly funny passage, zombie bats from Ohio…


The Clintons have always had a touch of the zombies about them: unkillable, they move relentlessly forward, propelled by a bloodlust for Republicans or uppity Democrats who dare to question their supremacy. You can’t escape; you can’t hide; and you can’t win. And these days, in the kinetic pace of the YouTube campaign, they are like the new 28 Days Later zombies. They come at you really quickly, like bats out of hell. Or Ohio, anyway.

- Sarah

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