Friday, May 2, 2008

America = Spiderman?

Interesting analogy in an article by Josh Hawkins today on…comparing America to Spiderman:


We've saved the free world from tyranny in the 20th century not once (WWI), not twice (WWII), but three times (the Cold War). We've done more to promote capitalism and democracy than any other 20 nations combined.  We've gone to the moon, we've fed the world, and we've fought more tyrants, terrorists, and thugs than any comic book super-hero. Speaking of comic book super heroes, American gets the same sort of "Daily Bugle" treatment that Spider-Man did in the comics and the movies. We shed our blood and treasure by the bucket load to do good and the headlines in the paper read, "Out-of-Control Menace Terrorizes Populace!"


Complete article here: Stop Apologizing For Being An American

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